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Justify Command in Excel

This is an interesting application of one of the tools available in Excel! It helps you break the text string in a single line in multiple rows and vice versa

Assume that we have this text in different cells

Justify Command in Excel2 --> We want to bring this together in a single line

Sure, we can do this through the CONCATENATE function but there is a simple and smarter way to do it


Justify Command in Excel

Justify Command in Excel3

Justify Command in Excel4

  1. Select the rows which have the text strings and now select the columns, wide enough to accommodate the text string in a single row
  2. Go to the Home Tab and Select Justify under the Fill drop down
  3. The strings in different rows will appear in a single row


It also works vice versa

Justify Command in Excel5--> Breaking a single line in rows

  1. Select the row which has the text and multiple rows underneath which can accommodate the text (when split up in multiple rows) Tip : The text will be broken according to the width of the column, so if a column can accommodate 2 words, the Justify command will allow that
  2. Once again go to the Home Tab and Select Justify under the Fill drop down
  3. You will see that the single row text gets split into different rows


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